Saturday, January 15, 2011


Just a quick reminder!

Our Pinewood Derby is this coming Friday, January 21.

We will not be meeting Tuesday night the 18th.

Weigh-in begins at 6pm, with the actual derby starting at 6:30. Please give yourself a few minutes to weigh in your son's car with him. This will also be our pack meeting, so please let us know of any advancements or achievements your son has earned so he can receive the award.

After the boys race in their derby we have invited family to attend the event, as well as our Elders Quorums.

Some of you have asked about specific rues. We will be following the BSA rules which can be found at

If anyone is still in need of a car, they can be purchased at any of the three Scout shops in our area. Also, one of our Bear leader's has several sons who have won multiple Pinewood Derbies. They are practically professionals and wouldn't mind giving tips. If you would like to know who they are, ask your leaders and we will put you in contact with them!

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